Friday, November 7, 2014


Early morning you wake up, you think that life is gonna be hard or stressful, really ah, life is what you think and made it to be it takes. If you decided to go out, life goes out too, you decided to stay indoor life stays indoor tooo. Opportunities are been created by you, because it always resurfaces every time, for you to turn that which surface to opportunity, you have to get prepared to grab it. 

Opportunities are like a bird, if you catch it and cage it, it stays with you, feed it well it grows,

 feed it poorly it becomes weak. Open the cage, it flew away. 

In life, one has to be very careful, not to play with opportunity, it is very delicate more than egg. Opportunity makes difference between you and your friend. Opportunity utilized well makes man great and different from others.

To be continued soon.